You’re officially part of The You Effect!

Welcome to the club!

It’s a club that’s all about building a brighter future, and it’s great to have you along for the ride.

How is The You Effect structured?

The You Effect is structured as a series of questions which I think we all struggle with on some level.

With the exception of the intro video (session 1), each session is a 9-minute exploration of the answers to these questions.

  • 3 minutes to watch a video where I share an idea that has helped me;
  • 3 minutes to read some notes which add more detail; and
  • 3 minutes to do an exercise to help you to put the idea into practice.

How long will the programme take me?

  • There is roughly 6 hours of content - how you approach this is really up to you.

  • There are 36 x 9-minute sessions, which I suggest you try and do with no more than a week between them.

  • Set a regular time to complete them (for example, every day/every Monday at 7am) to help you to get into a routine which will be easier to stick to.

I think doing one session a day gives the best balance of allowing the material to sink in, enough time to explore the exercise, and maintaining momentum.

But if you wanted, you could do one a week, or even all of them in one day. You can also do sessions and chapters as standalone items.

If you can spend more time - either for the daily work or to dive deeper into the additional resources - this is only going to help you to achieve better results.

Basically, go through the material however feels best to you.

Your intuition is always right.

Are the exercises essential?

Exercises, and especially repetition, are an easy part to want to skip over, but they are a really important part of the programme.

  • The Ebbinghaus Curve of Forgetting, shows how information is lost very quickly unless we take action to keep it there
  • If you do nothing with the information you learn today - don't think about it again, read it again, etc. - you will have lost 50%-80% of what you learned by tomorrow.
  • If you leave more than a day between sessions, be sure to repeat the exercise each day that passes to help you to keep working with the material and increasing its impact.

Can you tell me more about the contents of this programme?

The contents of this programme is a collection of tools and ideas that have changed my life.

It’s important you know I’m not qualified in any of this stuff. Everything I’m sharing I’ve learned from brilliant people, books, courses, conversations with strangers on aeroplanes etc! that I’ve been lucky enough to have been exposed to along the way.

All I’m doing is bringing a summary of this precious information together in one place for you. It’s a foundation for you to build upon.

I’ve tried to reference where I can, but often I don’t know where the seed came from as I’ve had so many influences, and so I apologise to the hidden teachers for that and thank them for enabling this in me - and now in you.

Here's a sneak peek of what the chapters will cover:

Chapter 1: What was the idea that changed everything?

  • In is the only way out  
Chapter 2: How do I lighten the load of my subconscious?
  • Meditate
  • Journal

Chapter 3: How do I deal with difficult feelings?

  • Why do feelings matter so much? 
  • Step 1: Allow without judgement
  • Step 2: Calm the mind 
  • Step 3: Notice 
  • Step 4: Create a physical shift
  • If I follow the framework, will I never feel sad again?

Chapter 4: How do I deal with difficult relationships?

  • Steps 1 and 2: Don’t worry about how other people behave, see the mirror instead
  • Steps 3 and 4: Explore your role and their perspective
  • Step 5: Forgive
  • Are we all just one anyway?

 Chapter 5: How do I feel better in myself?

  • Know your inherent value
  • Be a lot nicer to yourself
  • Own who you are: love your whole-self
  • Identify the beliefs that make you feel bad
  • Build better serving beliefs with affirmations
  • Explore different ways to work with limiting beliefs
  • Honour your body
  • Take care of yourself physically
  • Make time for you too
  • Open your heart

Chapter 6: How can I enjoy life more?

  • Choose your thoughts and interpretations 
  • Build a couple of strong relationships
  • Live from a place of gratitude
  • Slow down and become present
  • Be good to others
  • Overcome your worries and fears
  • Find meaning 

Chapter 7: How can I achieve my goals?

  • Dream big
  • Always set a clear intention
  • “Manifest”: believe and take action
  • Persevere
  • And surrender

Chapter 8: Cool, now what?

  • The unconclusion


  • Summary of Key Tools
What if I don’t see results?

The You Effect is about introducing you to some of the tools that helped me, so you can start to explore what works for you.

I greatly encourage independence of thought and action. Take the bits that speak to you and leave behind the bits that don’t - one size doesn’t necessarily fit all.

As you go through this, don’t expect instant results. But know that things will be shifting, even if you don’t notice the changes at first. So keep doing the exercises.

The work we do on ourselves is not a one time download, it’s the work of a lifetime.

That might sound daunting right now, but the journey inwards is the greatest adventure of my life, and I hope it never stops.

With love and light,
Nadia x

Ready to start?